Dragon's Den List of Tips and Recommendations


Aloha Dragon's Den community, 

Our team has been working diligently in supplying our community with herbs and natural health products throughout the years, and will always continue to do so. We just wanted to remind you that you are the reason for us doing what we do - our job is to serve you in the best way that we can. With that being said, we treasure the overflow of appreciation and kind words left by many of you. Thank you for your appreciation and understanding as we all work towards good health and vitality. Please continue to do what you can to stay healthy, happy, and strong! 

The Dragon's Den Team

A message from Malik Cotter:

Everyone, please remain calm and with a good attitude. Stress and worry break down our immune system. Attitude is the right frame of mind. Attitude generates personal atmosphere, personal atmosphere creates attraction or repulsion of life. Consider being optimistic for everything you wish to happen and to be a pessimist for everything you wish not to happen. Remember, it's the altitude of attitude.
-Malik Cotter

In case you missed it from our last newsletter...

To protect and enhance your natural immunity,
here is a suggested COVID-19 Protection Supplement Protocol:       


***New additions***
There's a reason for the ever-repetitive advice to wash, wash, wash your hands. Viruses like COVID-19 have outer layers made up of lipids, otherwise known as fats. By washing your hands with hot water and soap for at least 25 seconds, this layer of fat dissolves and leaves the virus without a protective coating.

You may also wish to use a neti pot or some sort of nasal irrigation procedure. Airborne viruses harbor at the higher part of the nasal cavity. Use warm salt water to help irrigate and potentially wash out any bacteria harboring in the nasal cavity.

Bacterias and viruses are temperature sensitive and will begin to die at higher body temperatures. Although there is no known cure for COVID-19, it doesn't hurt to enjoy sauna usage as long as you do so responsibly- don't sit in a sauna for too long, and use your own personal sauna, not one that has been shared with many people.

* Atomidine, Lugol's Solution, Liquid Kelp (Potassium Iodide) or llumodine - Recommended bottle dosage. Illumodine - 20 drops in a glass of water 3 times daily (15 minutes or more away from food) (Iodine has been shown to destroy SARS and MRSA viruses and, in its atomic form is a powerful antiviral.)       
* Nano Silver or Colloidal Silver - 1 teaspoon twice daily (Silver has been shown to destroy SARS and MRSA viruses.)                

* Quercetin - 500 mg. twice daily

* Red Algae - 2 capsules twice daily such as on waking and bedtime (away from food)

* Turkey Tail, Rei Shi, Agarikon Mushrooms and/or a comprehensive mushroom blend such as Stamets 7, Immune Assist or Mega Defense - 4 capsules twice daily (to build and protect the immune system)
* Antioxidant Supplement - recommended bottle dosage
* Immune Tonic Tea - (Dragon's Den, Makawao) - 1 cups 2 - 3 times daily. Preventative.
* Astragalus and Echinacea root - tincture, capsule or tea
recommended bottle dosage 3 times daily
* Vitamin D - 2,000 IU daily (to build the immune system)
* Vitamin A - 25,000 IU daily (protects the upper respiratory mucus membranes and lining)
* Vitamin C1,000 mg. (not ascorbic acid), 5 or more times daily

Licorice Roottake as tea or tincture once daily (for lung protection) 

Full Spectrum Multi-Vitamin & Mineral Supplement - Bottle dosage

Chinese herbal patent formulas
*Yu Ping Feng San - 8 pills 3 times daily
Gan Mao Ling - 3 - 5 tabs 3 times daily
Chuan Xin Lian - 2 tabs twice daily, 5 days on, 3 days off repeat

*Denotes highly recommended
This information comes from an email blast from Dr. Gabriel Cousens, from Stephan Buhner's book 'Herbal Antivirals', from the Hong Kong Medical Journal volume 17, from Bob Flaws book '160 Essential Chinese, Herbal patent Medicines', and 'Viral Immunity' by J.E. Williams O.M.D. 
Material compiled and edited by Dr. Malik Cotter D.Ac./DOM with assistance from Meghane Hernandez and Jenny Fialho.

Some Helpful Articles...


Dragon's Den Herb Shop Coupon

Show this coupon at the register when checking out and we will deduct 10% from your purchase.
If ordering online, please mention this coupon when ordering. You can correspond with us via email or phone at (808) 572-2424.

Discounts cannot be stacked with other discounts. 

Dragon's Den Herb Shop Immune Section

Here are some of our recently restocked products available 
at The Dragon's Den Herb Shop.

Don't see what you're looking for? 
Please call us at (808) 572-2424 or send us an email with any questions or orders. 

We will process orders over the phone during our store hours: 
Mon-Sat 11 am to 5 pm HST.

New additions to The Dragon's Den Herb Shop


This Immune Supportive tea (called our Anti-V tea or "Quaran-tea") was formulated by Dr. Malik Cotter for general immune support and has herbs such as holy basil (Tulsi), forsythia, honeysuckle and chrysanthemum flowers. Can be used for preventative measures.

Buy Now
The Dragon's Den Herb Shop now carries dried vegetables, black bean flakes, nutritional yeast, and seaweeds such as Dulse, Nori, Kombu, and Wakame.
These foods are great in emergency situations - in most cases, all you need to do is add hot water! Dried foods like these store for a long time and make great additions to soups, stews, and broths.

Present Health
5 Immunity Boosting Activities To Do During Self Isolation

Experts are recommending you self isolate and practice social distancing if you are able.

And every day more and more of our neighbours are choosing to stay in…

Work from home…

And only go out if they have to.

We want to encourage you to use this time to better your health.

1. Get outside.

Go for a walk in the morning and after lunch. Go for a bike ride. Sit outside and enjoy a sunset.

It sounds contradictory but if you are “social distancing”, it doesn’t mean you have to lock yourself  inside.

Spending time outdoors can boost your health and immune system, so get out there! Just keep your distance from too many people.

2. Wash your hands and clean your house.

Protecting your hands from germs should be a top priority right now.

Tidying up your house can also have positive effects on your mental health which directly impacts your immune system.

3. Maintain balance.

Just because you’re staying home, doesn’t mean you should stop following your regular routine. Keep some structure to your day to stay sane.

Get up early in the morning.

Eat healthy meals at the normal times of the day.

Go for walks. 

Don’t stay up too late.

4. Look after your gut

Poor gut health can make you more prone to stress and can weaken your immunity.

80% of your immune system is located in your gut, so make sure you look after it during this time.

Do a gut cleanse while you self isolate.

Probiotics are great too but before you take them it’s smart to rid your gut of harmful bacteria and cells that are weakening your immune system.

It's much more effective to kill the bugs that are hostile to your gut microbiome and entire body than to try and drown them out with good bacteria (probiotics).

You don’t have to be a victim to bad bacteria, viruses or pathogens anymore.

Taking care of your gut microbiome will transform the way you think about your gut, your immunity, everything.

It’s time to get these invaders OUT of your body.

5. Stay positive

Most of all we want you to stay positive.

Like we said, stress is an immunity killer.

Take this time to meditate, reconnect with friends (via phone, email or video chats) and maybe even discover a new hobby.

Keep laughing, being silly and know that we are going to get through this!

Help neighbours who need it and reach out to loved ones if you are feeling low.

Our team has you in our thoughts and prayers.

The future's still bright and you are amazing.

Source: Present Health Editorial Team 

Immune Support Newsletter 2020


Dragon’s Den March Newsletter 2020


3681 Baldwin Ave. Ste A-103

Makawao, HI 96768


Monday — Saturday:

10 a.m. to 6 p.m.


11 a.m. to 4 p.m.



(808) 572-2424